President's Column

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Hello Rotarians,

I’m writing this newsletter to you at 5:34pm, and it is DARK outside. As we all
know, Daylight saving ended on November 3 rd . The earlier darkness in the evening
(afternoon almost!) tends to make me excited to cozy up in my home more during
weeknights. But wouldn’t you know, my kids activities continue on past November 3 rd !
The part that does excite me though, is it signifies to many that the holidays are near.
Maybe a time to slowdown, be present
, and enjoy family. Before we know it, it will be
Thanksgiving! This year is flying by!

Late September and October brought so many wonderful Rotary days. To refresh
your memory, we were lucky enough to host the chartering ceremony for our own ISU
Rotaract Club at CY Stephens. The stage we all know and love in Ames was the perfect
place to be – blending ISU and community was just the ticket! Kudos to Kent and
Tammy Koolbeck for coming up with that location idea! We had an incredible showing of
Rotarians (District Governors, various District Club Presidents, Rotarians from clubs all
over Iowa). You would have been blown away by the new ISU Rotaract members – so
many smart, capable, inspiring college students who are taking this on to truly better the
world. I ended my speech that night, and I’ll say it again here, that if those students are
a sampling of our future we are in very good hands. We will be inviting the new Rotaract
members to upcoming Monday meetings, and I hope you will open a seat at your lunch
table to get to know one, or all, of them. You will be as impressed as I am.

As usual, we’ve had incredible programs. Please watch the recordings if you
haven’t made it to a meeting or been able to tune into online programs. We were
fortunate to have District Governor Dave Cook on September 30 th . He gave an
incredible presentation and encouraged us to focus on increasing membership. Our
current members are the heartbeat of this club, and we should share it with more
people. Please call up a friend you haven’t seen in awhile and invite them to share in
the magic of Rotary.

We have much to look forward to in the next few weeks. Thank you for being
here and reach out to me if you have any feedback for me.

See you soon,

Katy McMahon
Club President 2024 - 2025
President's Column 2024-11-10 06:00:00Z 0

Fellowship Meetings June 3rd

On Monday, June 3rd, we will host Off-Site Fellowship meetings.   Off-Site Fellowship meetings provide an opportunity for members to host other members in their place of business in small groups.  These are Brown Bag luncheons, unless the site would like to offer lunch service.  Sign up now to attend at a location.
Hosts for the June 3rd Fellowship meetings are:
Ames Public Library with hosts Sheila Schofer and Cassie Luze
Friendship Ark Homes with hosts Jennifer Ellis and staff
Green Hills Community with hosts Calista Sievers and Warren Madden
Hobbit's Hill with host George Belitsos
Iowa Home Crafters with host Jamie Courtney
KHOI Community Radio with hosts Lynne Carey and Tammy Koolbeck
Northcrest Community with hosts Barbara Woods and David Carlyle
Story County Community Foundation with host Karin Sevde
The Bridge Home with host Jodi Stumbo
Thank you for hosting!
Fellowship Meetings June 3rd 2024-05-05 05:00:00Z 0

Thank you for Volunteering

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On May 16th club volunteers will gather to assist with the Opening Ceremony for the 2024 Special Olympics Iowa games.
Thank you for you time!
Kate, Elenor and Arrianna Reynolds
Maynard Hogberg
Park Woodle
Jennifer Ellis
Jim Patton
Rosa Unal
Ann Campbell, guest Bob Kindred
Diane Bjorklund
Roger Maharry
Melissa Rowan
Jean and Marion Kresse
John and Barb Dalhoff
Stu Melvin
Sandy Swanson
Lynne Carey
Dean Phillips
Thank you for Volunteering 2024-05-05 05:00:00Z 0

Mental Health Matters


I hope this finds you well. I'm writing to you to tell you about an important initiative that our Rotaract club at Wesleyan University, along with the Elm City Rotary Club, are undertaking. We're joining Rotary International in focusing on mental health, a crisis exacerbated by the COVID-19 pandemic.

We've created a short video to explain our initiative:

We're reaching out to ask for your support. Whether through donations, sharing our message, or lending your expertise, every contribution matters.

"Reaching out for help is courageous — and continuing on a path toward wellness is even more so." – Rotary International President-elect R. Gordon R. McInally

Feel free to ask me any questions or seek further details.Thank you for considering our cause!
Mental Health Matters 2024-04-07 05:00:00Z 0
PolioPlus Citation 2024-04-07 05:00:00Z 0

Polio Plus Goal

The Rotary Club of Ames was recognized by Rotary District 6000 for its support of the End Polio Now: Countdown to History campaign.  This year, the Club has surpassed its annual goal of $6,500 for the PolioPlus initiative, with over $8,600 in donations to date.
Polio Plus Goal 2024-04-04 05:00:00Z 0

Paul Harris Fellow + 7

Jim Black recieved a Paul Harris Fellow + 7 for continued suport of The Rotary Foundation.   Congratulations, Jim, and Thank You!
Paul Harris Fellow + 7 2024-04-04 05:00:00Z 0

Major Donor

Karin Sevde was recognizied as a Major Donor to The Rotary Foundation.   Major donors are recognized for every $10,000 in contributions, whether a single donation or cummulative contributions.  She also joined the Paul Harris Society this past year.    Congratulations, and Thank you for your support of The Rotary Foundation!
Major Donor 2024-04-04 05:00:00Z 0

Paul Harris Fellow + 4

Congratulations to Jean Kresse, John Dalhoff and Rich Johansen in being recognized with a Paul Harris Fellow + 4.   Thank you for your ongoing support of The Rotary Foundation.
Paul Harris Fellow + 4 2024-04-04 05:00:00Z 0

Paul Harris Fellow + 2

Austin Woodin was recognized for his contributions to The Rotary Foundation with a Paul Harris Fellow + 2.   A Paul Harris Fellow is earned with each $1,000 donated to The Rotary Fooundation to support the SHARE or PolioPlus program, The Rotary Foundation Endowment or an approved global grant.  
Thank you, Austin, for your continued support of The Rotary Foundation!
Paul Harris Fellow + 2 2024-04-04 05:00:00Z 0

Polio Eradication Update

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Global Polio Eradication Initiative:
In 2023, only one case of Wild Polio Virus Type 1 was confirmed in Afghanistan.  Since January, 1 case has been confirmed in Afghanistan and just two weeks ago, two cases were confirmed in Pakistan.
It takes three consecutive years of no confirmed wild polio cases for a country to be considered endemic-free.  "Polio remains endemic in two countries – Afghanistan and Pakistan. Until poliovirus transmission is interrupted in these countries, all countries remain at risk of importation of polio, especially vulnerable countries with weak public health and immunization services and travel or trade links to endemic countries."
Technology in for the assist:
When polio vaccinators fanned out across the Democratic Republic of the Congo last year to stop an outbreak, they carried a powerful new tool: cellphones that tracked their progress as they went from door to door. Equipped with an app, the phones send data back to a command center where staff can see missed homes on a digital map and redirect teams on the ground. The country is helping pioneer geospatial tracking to stop polio outbreaks. Vaccinators, trained by the World Health Organization, hit the streets in June 2023, armed with hundreds of phones, after an outbreak of vaccine-derived poliovirus type 1. 
Learn more about the Polio app using this link:
Polio Eradication Update 2024-04-02 05:00:00Z 0

Paul Harris Society 

Cinian Zheng -  Durbin has been a Rotarian for just a few years, and decided to become a Paul Harris Society member last year.   A Paul Harris Society member commits to contributing $1,000 annually to The Rotary Foundation to support the SHARE, PolioPlus programs, an Approved Global Grant, the Rotary Foundaion Endowment, or a combination of the funds.
Cinian received her first Paul Harris Fellow recognition and her PHS certificate.  Thank you for your support of The Rotary Foundation, Cinian!
Paul Harris Society 2024-04-02 05:00:00Z 0

Out of the Darkness Walk

This year we have focused on mental health initiatives, and to further this effort we ask that you consider signing up to walk Saturday, April 27th in Out of the Darkness Suicide Awareness Walk.  If you are unable to walk this year, please consider making a donation by scanning the QR code.  Thank you.
Out of the Darkness Walk 2024-04-02 05:00:00Z 0

1500 Pounds Donated

District Governor Dennis Drager challenged all clubs to donate clothing and other items to reduce the amount headed to the landfills.  He also asked that Rotarians engage in a project to assist those who are facing homelessness. 
In response to his requests, Overflow Thrift Store created a system where Rotaians could donate clothing and other textiles, the pounds would be recorded and 5 cents per pound up to $500 woud be donated to The Bridge Home.  
This past monday, Overflow Thrift Store reported 1,500 pounds of clothing and textiles had been donated by Rotarians in this effort.  A $500 contribution was made to the The Bridge Home by Overflow Thrift Store.   The Rotary Club of Ames matched this donation with $500 for a total of $1,000 to The Bridge Home to support homeless people in our community. 
Thank you all for your contributions.
1500 Pounds Donated 2024-04-02 05:00:00Z 0

Welcome to the Club!

We are pleased to welcome to the club Ashley Thompson.   Ashley is the new President and CEO for United Way of Story County.  Welcome Ashley!
Welcome to the Club! 2024-03-10 06:00:00Z 0

Welcome to the Club!

The Rotary Club of Ames is pleased to welcome Calista Sievers, Executive Director for Green Hills Community.   Welcome Calista!
Welcome to the Club! 2024-03-10 06:00:00Z 0

Welcome to the Club!

The Club welcomes Randy Olson and Kathy Pinkerton as members.   Randy is the Executive Director for the Iowa Limestone Producers Association.  Kathy is the Story County Service Coordinator for The Salvation Army.   Welcome to the Club!
Welcome to the Club! 2024-02-18 06:00:00Z 0

Global Grants Team received Hy-Vee Check

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The Rotary Club of Ames has partnered with the Rotary Club of Same, Tanzania on four Water and Sanitation, Hygiene (WASH) global grant projects since 2012.   In total, over $1.25 million has bee contributed to build clean, sustainable water systems for villages in the Same District of Tanzania.  Hy - Vee, Inc. has been a vital corporate partner in all four projects.   
We are currently working on our fifth WASH global grant for the Tanzania village of Menamu, and Hy - Vee, Inc. is once again a vital partner, donating $100,000 toward this project.  
Thank you!  Thank you!  Thank you!  To Hy - Vee, Inc. for your continued support for providing clean water to those most in need. 
Global Grants Team received Hy-Vee Check 2024-02-18 06:00:00Z 0

Paul Harris Fellow

Wendy Wintersteen received a Paul Harris Fellow + 1 recognition.   A PHF recognition is awarded for each $1,000 contribution, single or cumulative, to The Rotary Foundation.  Thank you for your continued support, Wendy!
Paul Harris Fellow 2024-02-18 06:00:00Z 0

MLK Day Essay Winner

The Rotary Club of Ames is proud to sponsor the MLK Day Essay contest and the first place award of $200.00.   This year's essay winner was Erik Anderson, Ames High School.  Congratulations, Erik!    
MLK Day Essay Winner 2024-02-18 06:00:00Z 0


Do you have what it takes to become a dynamic leader and change yourself and the world?

Rotary Youth Leadership Awards (RYLA) is an intensive leadership experience organized by Rotary clubs and districts where you develop your skills as a leader while having fun and making connections.

What are the benefits?

Connect with leaders in your community and around the world to:

  • Build communication and problem-solving skills
  • Discover strategies for becoming a dynamic leader in your school or community
  • Learn from community leaders, inspirational speakers, and peer mentors
  • Unlock your potential to turn motivation into action
  • Have fun and form lasting friendships

What’s involved?

2024 RYLA will be held July 14-19, 2024 at Grinnell College and is open to high school sophomores and juniors (2023 -2024 school year).  Iowa Rotary clubs in Districts 5970 and 6000 may sponsor students to participate in this 6-day leadership conference.  

How can I participate?

RYLA participants are nominated by local Rotary clubs. Contact Park Woodle at or visit for more information and the application.

RYLA 2024-01-24 06:00:00Z 0
Ames Rotary Scholarship Applications Available Now 2024-01-12 06:00:00Z 0

Paul Harris Fellow + 6

Thank you, Doug Timmons!   Your support of The Rotary Foundations' Polio Plus progam advances the goal of a Polio - Free World.
All contributions to The Rotary Foundation for the Polio Plus program will be matched 2:1 by the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation.
Paul Harris Fellow + 6 2023-12-10 06:00:00Z 0

Paul Harris Fellow + 4

Allyson Walter was recognized with the Paul Harris Fellow + 4 pin.   Thank you, Allyson, for your continued support to The Rotary Foundation.
Paul Harris Fellow + 4 2023-12-10 06:00:00Z 0

Paul Harris Fellow + 2

Roger Maharry and Park Woodle received their Paul Harris Fellow + 2 pins for their contributions to The Rotary Foundation.
Thank you!
Paul Harris Fellow + 2 2023-12-10 06:00:00Z 0

Paul Harri Fellow + 1

Congratulations to Jim Baker for earning a Paul Harris Fellow + 1.   
A Paul Harris Fellow is a recognition for each $1,000 contributed to The Rotary Foundation.
Paul Harri Fellow + 1 2023-12-10 06:00:00Z 0

Welcome Kate Simon!

The Rotary Club of Ames would like to Welcome Kate Simon as a member!   Kate is an associate attorney with Dentons Davis and Borwn Law Firm here in Ames.   Welcome Kate!
Welcome Kate Simon! 2023-12-10 06:00:00Z 0

Nick Toornstra ~ Community Hero

Kent Frankenfeld, Club President, Nick Toornstra, Brian Dieter, Rotarian Sponsor
Nick Toornstra is the Emergency Medical Services (EMS) supervisor with Mary Greeley’s Mobile Intensive Care Service (MICS). 
When Nick heard about CAHOOTS, he wondered how it could work in Ames. CAHOOTS is a mobile crisis intervention program. It is one of several such community health programs that offer a more specialized way to respond to 911 calls that don’t need an ambulance or police response. 
Inspired, Nick worked with the Ames Police and Iowa State University to establish ARCH (Alternative Response for Community Health). ARCH staff, including paramedics and social workers, are trained in mental health and crisis stabilization. 
Nick worked with the Mary Greeley Foundation and secured grants, including one from the Story County Community Foundation, to fund the purchase of a vehicle designated for ARCH. 
The ARCH team can provide an immediate response to specific 911 calls and help connect individuals with additional resources in the community, thereby avoiding arrests and unnecessary Emergency Room visits. These situations could involve a mental health crisis or homelessness. 
Launched in October 2022, ARCH has already responded to more than 50 calls. In one case, they connected a homeless person with resources that got them into safe and secure housing. 
Thanks to Nick and his partners, Ames has a new community health program that is already providing its benefit to our most vulnerable citizens. 
Nick’s Rotarian sponsor is Brian Dieter.
Nick Toornstra ~ Community Hero 2022-12-23 06:00:00Z 0

Community Hero ~ Becca Moore

Club President, Kent Frankenfeld, Becca Moore, Rotarian Brian Dieter
Becca Moore is the Director of Medical Surgery at Mary Greeley. The 6th floor of Mary Greeley’s West Tower is typically where patients recovering from surgery are cared for by a dedicated staff of nurses. During COVID-19, the floor was designated as the unit to be used should the number of admitted COVID-19 patients exceed capacity in other hospital areas.
It was no surprise that eventually, Mary Greeley had to activate their plan to use the 6th floor for COVID-19 patients. At times, half of the 30 beds on this floor were used for COVID patients, and at other times, the entire floor was dedicated to the pandemic. 
During this high-stress time, Becca guided the team on the 6th floor. She and her team had to make significant changes to how they care for people on their floor: extreme safety measures were put in place, requiring immediate training for staff. Staff had to properly don and doff personal protection equipment (PPE) many times a day. 
While caring for patients, Becca and her team also had to address the concerns of family members who could not visit. 
Becca always has a calm and caring presence, and she had to call on these traits like never before. The level of pressure on her and her team is difficult to describe. They were among those at the frontlines of the pandemic. While there were success stories, there was also more COVID-related death than anyone expected to experience. They cared for incredibly ill patients while worrying about their health and safety and the health and safety of the people they went home to. 
Becca’s dedicated and focused leadership successfully guided her team through one of the worst health crises they could ever imagine. 
Becca’s Rotarian sponsor is Brian Dieter.
Community Hero ~ Becca Moore 2022-12-23 06:00:00Z 0

Rotary Club of Ames Honors Sarah Buckels

Sarah Buckels, RN, is the Occupational Health Coordinator with Mary Greeley. The COVID pandemic hit Mary Greeley’s staff hard – regarding what was needed to treat patients and how to manage their personal health and safety. Sarah was indeed on the front lines when it came to helping staff. She helped team members who tested positive for COVID-19 understand what they needed to do for their safety and the safety of their co-workers and patients. 
She was vital in administering vaccines for staff, including coordinating COVID and flu shots. She answered countless questions from staff about vaccines, symptoms, exposure risks, and more. It was stressful, exhausting work that Sarah always did with a smile. Her always-upbeat attitude contributed to Mary Greeley’s staff’s ability to weather the worst days of the pandemic. 
Sarah captures the meaning of Rotary’s “Service above Self.” Sarah serves with her heart and always puts others above her own needs. She is dedicated to her work and is incredibly innovative in her ideas. Mary Greeley’s COVID vaccination clinics are a great example of her efforts. She helped coordinate these clinics, helped design the space, and took the lead in them to ensure they operated smoothly.” 
In 2021, her efforts earned Mary Greeley’s Innovation & Excellence Award for Nursing. Rotarian Sarah Buck sponsored Sarah with the award.
Rotary Club of Ames Honors Sarah Buckels 2022-12-23 06:00:00Z 0

Les White - Hero of the Community

Rotary President Kent Frankenfeld, Les White, Rotary Sponsor Don Goering
Les White, director of Mary Greeley’s Home Health and Hospice Services and Story County Public Health was honored as a Community Hero. 
Les was one of the heroes of the pandemic. Public Health nurses were at the forefront of the pandemic. They were doing home visits to early suspected Coronavirus patients. Across the country, they were first infected while trying to help patients and teach them about this new unknown virus. 
Les helped lead her team in taking care of our entire county. She and her staff fielded countless questions from the public about COVID-19: the symptoms, the risks, the vaccines, and the misinformation. 
She and her team were able to respond quickly to changing guidance that came out daily, always looking out for the best interest of the patients, families, and staff. 
She oversaw the distribution of vaccines, coping with the stressful combination of supply, demand, and bureaucracy. She led the coordination of public vaccine clinics and vaccine clinics at area schools. 
During this high-pressure period, Les managed it with dedication and focus, setting an example for all Mary Greeley staff as they coped with the personal and professional impact of the pandemic. In 2021, Les received Mary Greeley’s Innovation & Excellence Award for Leadership. 
Les' member sponsor is Don Goering.
Les White - Hero of the Community 2022-12-21 06:00:00Z 0

Julie Scebold Community Hero

Rotary Club of Ames President Kent Frankenfeld and Julie Scebold
Julie Scebold
Julie Scebold is the Manager of Mary Greeley’s Intensive Care Unit (ICU)
When a Des Moines Register reporter asked to spend extended time at Mary Greeley to cover the impact of COVID-19, Julie was one of the first to welcome the idea enthusiastically. She wanted the story told, wanting people to understand what she and her staff were going through. She wanted her friends and family to know why she changed her clothes in the garage when she got home from work. 
Julie and her ICU team were among the first at Mary Greeley on the frontlines of COVID-19. They dealt with the most seriously ill patients, including those on ventilators. They coped with patient deaths due to COVID. They managed concerned families who often couldn’t visit their loved ones until their prognosis turned dire. 
They saw the worst of COVID, and under Julie’s leadership, the ICU staff weathered what is likely to be the worst healthcare crises of their careers. Julie started a practice of playing “Here Comes the Sun” when a patient came off a ventilator – a minor form of celebration that lifted the spirits of patients and staff. 
A Des Moines Register reporter and photojournalist ultimately spent many hours in ICU, where Julie and her staff gave them as much access as possible. Julie made sure the story was told. The result was an award-winning series in the Register that will serve as an important history of one hospital’s COVID experience. 
Her Rotary Member sponsor is Sarah Buck
Julie Scebold Community Hero 2022-12-13 06:00:00Z 0

Hero of the Community Rich Higgins

Rich Higgins
Rich serves as the City of Ames Fire Chief. He leads a department of over 70 employees that delivers fire response, Emergency Medical Service, and building inspection services to the Ames community. He is also a member of the City’s Executive Leadership Team.
During the COVID pandemic, Chief Higgins was the City’s lead in coordinating communication and service efforts between the City of Ames and community partners such as Story County Public Health, Mary Greeley Medical Center, McFarland Clinic, Iowa State University, Story County Emergency Management, Ames Community School District and area assisted living facilities.
He also led a weekly team communication meeting with the City’s Executive Leadership Team. The level of coordination and communication was vital in keeping everyone informed. Importantly, Chief Higgins created an environment to quickly address issues that continually surfaced during the first 18 months of the pandemic. 
In August 2020, Chief Higgins's leadership shifted in another direction as Ames and Story County experienced a derecho. Chief Higgins convened the City’s Emergency Operation Center and collaboratively worked with City departments, Story County Emergency Management, and Iowa State University. Over the next two weeks, Chief Higgins led the Emergency Operations Center as people worked around the clock to restore power to Ames’ residents and businesses as quickly as possible.
When not actively responding to a disaster, Chief Higgins works with various jurisdictions in developing and implementing disaster preparedness training.  His foresight and leadership are true assets to the community.
Rotarian John Dahlhoff sponsored Rich’s award.  
Hero of the Community Rich Higgins 2022-12-13 06:00:00Z 0

The Rotary Club of Ames honors John Russell as a Hero of the Community

John Russell
John Russell was recently recognized as a Hero of the Community by the Rotary Club of Ames. John has been deeply involved in our community for several years. He has been with Bankers Trust since September 2007 as Market President of Ames and is responsible for Bankers Trust’s expansion into the Ames Community. He has done all this and more with a giving spirit and gracious smile. 
For example, he led the annual campaign for United Way of Story County in 2009 and served on the board of directors from 2000-2003.
John has held leadership and board positions in:
  • Ames Economic Development Commission
  • Ames Chamber
  • Ames Seed Capital Fund
  • Ames Education Foundation
  • Center for Creative Justice
  • Richmond Center
  • Friendship Ark
  • YSS Foundation
  • Ames Public Library Building Campaign Committee 
  • Ames Convention and Visitors Bureau
  • ISU Alumni Association
  • City of Ames Electric Utility Advisory Board
  • MGMC Foundation
  • The Iowa Sports Foundation
John exemplifies what it means to be a Rotarian. We thank him for the incredible service he has given, and is giving, to the community. 
The Rotary Club of Ames honors John Russell as a Hero of the Community 2022-12-12 06:00:00Z 0

Hero of the Community Nancy Carroll

President Kent Frankenfeld, Nancy Carroll and Rotarian Sponsor Dan Divine
Nancy Carroll
Nancy is well known in the community for serving as the Park and Recreation Director for the City of Ames and now as the Executive Director at Heartland Senior Services, which is changing its name to Heartland of Story County. She has gone above the “job description” in both roles and works hard to improve the community by keeping us active. 
She was a key player in helping develop Healthiest Ames, building tennis courts at Ames High School, making the Furman Aquatic Center a reality, and so much more.
In her role at Heartland, she worked tirelessly on the Healthy Life Center project. Although it did not pass the bond vote, Nancy never lost sight of how to improve lives for those in our community aged 60 and above. 
Her ability to collaborate with others is now part of the Sixty Forward, Changing the Vision of Aging, a partnership between the City of Ames, Heartland of Story County, and Mary Greeley Medical Center. Heartland’s new facility will soon be under construction and will offer a breadth of programs, activities, and services to support physical activity, social networks, and health and nutrition.
Thanks to Nancy’s tireless efforts, our community is better for those 60 and over on their journey to age well. Nancy’s positive attitude and ability to encourage others to see the vision has helped our community stay healthy.
Nancy’s Rotarian sponsor is Dan Divine. 
Hero of the Community Nancy Carroll 2022-12-10 06:00:00Z 0

Community Hero ~ Jen Brekke

Jen Brekke
President Kent Frankenfeld, Jen Brekke and Rotarians Suzy & John Shierholz
Every school morning, you can find Jen welcoming Fellows elementary students with music and a bright smile. Jen illuminates every room she is in. Her sunny disposition and friendly demeanor create a welcoming and engaging environment for her students and colleagues. 
In her position as a Success Teacher for the Ames Community School District, she has the crucial task of teaching students how to read. She is an expert in the science of reading, and although she has instructed hundreds of children, she continues to be passionate and committed to every student. Her knowledge of reading instruction, her methodical approach, and her desire for continuous learning makes her a tremendous asset to our community. 
Jen exemplifies what a community teacher should be; welcoming, engaging, committed, inspiring, and full of love for their students.
Community Hero ~ Jen Brekke 2022-12-09 06:00:00Z 0

Rotary Club of Ames Honors Jerilyn Logue

jerilyn logue
President Kent Frankenfeld,  Jerilyn Logue & Rotarian Sponsor Jim Patton
Jerilyn Logue
Jerilyn is the Director of OLLI & ISU Retirees at Iowa State University
In March 2020, OLLI faced a crisis. The COVID pandemic caused all face-to-face classes, meetings, and trips to change or cancel.   At that time, the OLLI program at ISU had over 800 members and over 40 classes scheduled for the Spring 2020 term.  Jerilyn contacted all members, instructors, and sponsoring partners about eliminating in-person contacts and the need to use a new format to deliver classes & meetings.   Some instructors chose not to teach; some instructors and OLLI members needed to learn ZOOM, the new delivery system, and some decided to wait and not continue with OLLI.
Jerilyn and her dedicated volunteers chose to find a way to adopt the changes necessary to deliver online education and assist members in using ZOOM.   Jerilyn and other volunteers spent hundreds of hours providing the best educational experience possible.  OLLI purchased new equipment, more members became familiar with ZOOM, and increased emphasis was placed on marketing and outreach.
As a result, this spring, 47 courses were offered in-person, via ZOOM, and hybrid.   Members began joining from a larger geographic area: representing 71 different Iowa towns/cities, 34 different Iowa counties, and 23 states other than Iowa, including a member from Canada. Membership continues to grow, currently surpassing 650.  
Jerilyn’s leadership and dedication to OLLI, together with over 100 volunteers and instructors, has successfully implemented a “new” OLLI at ISU.  With more changes ahead, Jerilyn and her new assistant, Heather, are facilitating increased membership and expanding the course offerings.
Jim Patton is Jerilyn’s Rotarian Sponsor.
Rotary Club of Ames Honors Jerilyn Logue 2022-12-08 06:00:00Z 0

Officer Julie Saxton - Hero of the Community

Julie Saxton
President Kent Frankenfeld, Julie Saxton & Rotarian Sponsor Tom Hertz
On Monday, November 28th, the Rotary Club of Ames recognized 15 individuals who made, and are making, extraordinary contributions to our community. We recognized our “Heroes of the Community” with a Paul Harris Fellow.
Julie Saxton
Julie is a member of the Ames Police Department, serving as its Mental Health Advocate. Her role is unique in law enforcement and crucial to the citizens in our community impacted by mental health issues. 
Julie helps individuals and families experiencing a mental health crisis connect with services and assists in navigating a complicated mental health system to access what they need. 
She is also a certified Mental Health First Aid Trainer. Julie provides training and education on the signs and symptoms of mental illness and how to respond to someone in a crisis and get them help. 
During the pandemic, Julie saw a need to continue offering the training and did so over ZOOM. She returned to in-person training in the summer of 2021 to support the Ames City Council’s Mental Health Wellness, Recovery, and Resiliency initiative. Julie helped train over 100 individuals and continues training sessions for Mary Greeley Medical Center, Iowa State University, and other groups. 
Julie recently completed ‘train the trainer’ on “Applied Suicide Intervention Skills Training” and is involved in the City’s series of Community Conversations about various mental health topics.
And that’s not all; Julie also works with police officers and local mental health agencies in serving individuals and families experiencing a mental health crisis. Her role is a “win-win.” She gets involved when someone needs help the most, allowing Officers to address other law enforcement calls.  
Julie's Rotarian sponsor is Tom Hertz.
Officer Julie Saxton - Hero of the Community 2022-12-07 06:00:00Z 0

Susan Gwiasda - Hero of the Community

Susan Gwiasda
President Kent Frankenfeld, Susan Gwiasda and Rotarian Tom Hertz
On Monday, November 28th, the Rotary Club of Ames recognized 15 individuals who made, and are making, extraordinary contributions to our community. We recognized our “Heroes of the Community” with a Paul Harris Fellow.
Susan is the Ames Public Relations Director. In this role, she serves as Public Information Officer and is responsible for internal and external city communications, Media Productions Division, to name a few of her responsibilities.
Think back to the pandemic when there was so much unknown and misinformation about the virus. Imagine Susan’s role during this time.
Much of what the public sees regarding City communications are press releases, videos, radio, website, and social media postings. A lot of time goes into producing these communications, requiring Susan to be available beyond her regular work day. Timeliness in getting the information out is critical when the unexpected occurs, whether a water main break or a pandemic. 
During the pandemic, Susan saw the importance of offering regular communication. She organized weekly interviews with community leaders to discuss issues affecting the community. She worked collaboratively with Iowa State University, Mary Greely Medical Center, Ames Chamber of Commerce, and Story County on information campaigns that shared COVID statistics and resources.
Susan also promotes City services and programs and engagement opportunities for citizens to participate in local government. She does this by serving as a member of the City’s Climate Action Plan Project Team, presenting the City’s annual resident satisfaction survey results, scheduling ribbon-cuttings for City projects, and creating the monthly “City Side” newsletter that accompanies utility bills. 
Susan's Rotarian sponsor is Tom Hertz. 
Susan Gwiasda - Hero of the Community 2022-12-03 06:00:00Z 0

The Rotary Club of Ames honors Nancy Franz as a Hero of the Community.

Nancy Franz
President Kent Frankenfeld, Nancy Franz, and Rotarian Sponsor Stu Melvin
On Monday, the Rotary Club of Ames recognized 15 individuals who made, and are making, extraordinary contributions to our community. We recognized our “Heroes of the Community” with a Paul Harris Fellow.
Nancy Franz
Nancy retired from Iowa State University Extension and now serves the Ames and Story County community in various ways. 
Since 2015, she has served on the Story County Conservation Board and has held roles of Chair and Vice Chair and currently serving as Secretary.
Nancy has a passion for conservation and is very involved in volunteering for trail initiatives, strategic planning, and more.
She is appointed to the City of Ames Climate Action Plan Supplemental Input Committee. In this role, she represents the non-City government sector and, through her network of contacts, advances the City’s goals to develop a Climate Action Plan. 
Nancy also volunteers at the Ames Public Library and consults with community groups and non-profits on developing strategic plans, community health assessments, and vision/mission statements. 
Nancy generously gives her time and talent to improving our community.
Stu Melvin serves as her Paul Harris Fellow “Sponsor.” 
The Rotary Club of Ames honors Nancy Franz as a Hero of the Community. 2022-12-01 06:00:00Z 0

Heroes of the Community Keith Morgan & Melissa Spencer

President Kent Frankenfeld, Melissa Spencer and Sponsor Don Goering
President Kent Frankenfeld, Melissa Spencer, and Sponsor Don Goering
Keith Morgan & Melissa Spencer
Keith Morgan & Melissa Spencer were recognized as a team. Keith now resides in Texas and could not join in person. During the early years of the COVID pandemic, Keith served as Emergency Management Coordinator and Melissa as Deputy Emergency Management Coordinator. They worked as a team to guide and assist Story County communities in responding to the pandemic.
They held weekly communication calls with mayors, County Supervisors, Iowa State University administrators, and the Chamber of Commerce. 
They coordinated the public health responses with Story County Public Health, Story County’s hospitals, and clinics. 
And, to fill a critical need, they arranged to distribute personal protection equipment and surplus food.
If that wasn’t enough, when the derecho hit Story County amid the pandemic, they assisted communities in dealing with the aftermath.
Rotarian Don Goering sponsored both Keith and Melissa.
Heroes of the Community Keith Morgan & Melissa Spencer 2022-12-01 06:00:00Z 0

The Rotary Club of Ames honors Fifteen Heroes of the Community.

On Monday, the Rotary Club of Ames recognized 15 individuals who made, and are making, extraordinary contributions to our community. We recognized our “Heroes of the Community” with a Paul Harris Fellow.
Paul Harris founded Rotary in 1905. From that initial club in Chicago, Rotary has grown to over 46,000 clubs across the globe and 1.4 million members. Rotary’s mission is to provide service to others, promote integrity, and advance world understanding, goodwill, and peace through the fellowship of business, professional, and community leaders.
Our club, the Rotary Club of Ames, was founded in 1921. We are in our second century of service.  
Rotary International created Paul Harris Fellow recognitions in memory of our founder. Rotarians earn Paul Harris Fellow “points” by contributing to The Rotary Foundation, which supports humanitarian projects worldwide. It is what we do as Rotarians. 
Rotarians use their Paul Harris Fellow points to convey Paul Harris Fellow recognitions to others who demonstrate Rotary’s motto of “Service above Self.” For some, it is serving others and expecting nothing in return. For others, it can take on different meanings. It is sharing our time and talents with others.    
Please help us congratulate these Heroes of the Community!
  • Jennifer Brekke, Ames Community School District
  • Sarah Buckels, Mary Greeley Medical Center
  • Nancy Carroll, Heartland Senior Services of Story County
  • Nancy Franz, Community volunteer in Conservation practices
  • Susan Gwiasda, City of Ames
  • Rich Higgins, Fire Chief, City of Ames
  • Jerilyn Logue, OLLI, Iowa State University 
  • Rebecca Moore, Mary Greeley Medical Center
  • Keith Morgan, Story County Emergency Management 
  • Melissa Spencer, Story County Emergency Management
  • John Russell, Banker's Trust
  • Julie Saxton, Ames Police Department, Mental Health Advocate
  • Julie Scebold, Mary Greeley Medical Center
  • Nick Toornstra, Mary Greeley Medical Center, Emergency Medical Services
  • Les White, Mary Greeley Medical Center, Hospice Services
The Rotary Club of Ames honors Fifteen Heroes of the Community. 2022-11-29 06:00:00Z 0

President's Column

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In honor of World Polio Day, President Kelsey Carper would like to share this story of Martha Lillard, one of the last people in the world living in an iron lung:


President's Column Kelsey Carper 2021-10-24 05:00:00Z 0
Ames Chamber of Commerce Update  2020-05-11 05:00:00Z 0

YSS Gift Totes

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For the past several years, the Rotary Club of Ames has collected donations to purchase gift totes filled with personal hygiene and household cleaning supplies for clients of YSS.  This year, our goal for the Rotary/YSS Holiday Project was $4,000.00. Our final tally was $5,160.00.   The funds were used to fill over 100 totes for people who can't afford these products over the holidays and into 2017.
Pictured are Rotarians Andrew Allen (CEO of YSS), Suzy and John Shierholz, and Roberta Milinsky (Foundation Director, YSS).
Rotarians continue to make a huge impact in our community. Thank you for your incredible generosity!
Happy Holidays,
John Shierholz
YSS Gift Totes John Shierholz 2016-12-21 00:00:00Z 0

Foundation Review

Posted by Monica Porter
As we reach the midpoint of the Rotary year, here are the results of contributions to date to the Foundation.
Annual Fund/SHARE (Paul Harris contributions)
Goal:  $28,750
Actual:  $15,188
The prior four-year average in Annual Fund giving for this period is $14,318.
Total Contributions
Actual YTD:  $58,950
Total contributions include Annual Fund, PolioPlus, approved Foundation grants, other giving,
and Endowment Fund contributions for the reporting period.
PolioPlus:  Actual YTD:  $6,026
Members who use recognition points:  Actual YTD:  26
Club programs about Foundation
Actual YTD: 2 plus 2 Foundation-related programs
Contributions per capita show the club with $67 (with membership of 226) compared with the district $45.
Monica Porter
Foundation Committee Chair
Foundation Review Monica Porter 2016-12-01 00:00:00Z 0

President's Column

And That’s a Wrap!
As I duck out the back door after completing my term as president of the Rotary Club of Ames, I have a simple and heartfelt message for you…thank you!  I have sincerely and thoroughly enjoyed serving and representing you!  Ours is a great club with generous and caring members.  Each of you brings a unique talent or perspective to the Club and I am humbled beyond words that you trusted me enough to loan me the keys to the Rotary car.  Oh sure, there’s a couple of scratches in the paint, a dent in the bumper, and that coffee stain on the front seat is courtesy of Jim Mason.  But for the most part, I don’t think I did any major damage.
So, as I wrap up my final President’s column, I thought I‘d borrow an idea from David Letterman, now retired from his long running Late Show television program, and try my hand at a top ten list.  As in…the Top Ten Things I Will Miss About Being President of the Rotary Club of Ames.  Here goes:
#10      Working with Karin Sevde!  Seriously…Karin does a lot of the “heavy lifting” for our   club and over the past 12 months she’s saved my bacon on more than one occasion, and made my job way too easy.  Thanks for everything Karin!
#9        Eating lunch alone.  Okay, I never eat lunch anyway, but instead of absorbing insults from the likes of Jim Mason and Tim Grandon, and arm wrestling for cookies, most weeks I’ve “dined” alone at the “President’s table” in relative peace and tranquility. Kind of embarrassing though…a guy could get a complex.
#8        Serving you!  It’s been a real kick getting to know all of you better.  As I’ve said before, we have amazing people in our club…folks that make things happen.  Wanna get something done?  Ask a Rotarian to help.  Better yet, ask a Rotary Club of Ames member to help!
#7        Watching Don Goering and Del Bluhm cringe whenever I strayed too far away from protocol.  “Good thing Paul Harris isn’t alive to see this Del!”  “You’re right Don!”
#6        The power of the office!  I hope you’ve noticed since last June, the potato bar has disappeared from the lunch menu.  You’re welcome! 
#5        Brussel sprouts!
#4        Welcoming new members to the club.  I can’t, shouldn’t, and won’t take credit for all    of the new members who’ve joined us during the past year.  But I will say how much I’ve enjoyed working with and getting to know them.  They’ve even tolerated my “good-natured” kidding.  New members are the lifeblood of any organization, and our class of 2014-15 was outstanding!
#3        Hanging around the front door before each Monday meeting.  Greeting each of you as you came through the door was fun and reaffirming for me.  I wanted you to feel that your presence at our weekly meeting was important.  I also was impressed and moved by how many of you never miss a meeting!
#2        Poking fun at Tanya Anderson…your next President!  All I can say is that our club is in very good hands next year.  Tanya has a wicked sense of humor, is organized, unflappable, and has put up with my ribbing each and every week.  By the way, I only kid around with those I admire and respect.  I guess you’re all included in that subset!
#1        Standing at the podium.  I have been honored and humbled by this experience.  And I    thank you for giving me the chance to serve you and this outstanding organization.  I wish each of you could look out from the vantage point of the podium and see what I’ve seen this past year.  Extraordinary men and women who give a damn!  Who are leaders in their respective fields and who bring those skills to our club and to this amazing organization called Rotary International.  It’s been TREEmendous!  Thanks again!
Jeff Iles, President
Rotary Club of Ames
President's Column 2015-06-08 00:00:00Z 0

President's Column

March always has been one of my favorite months.  With winter coming to a close, daylight (day length) now gaining the upper hand in the battle with darkness, and spring just around the corner, it’s an easy time of year to be optimistic.  But history, lore, and legend remind us March also is a month of unexpected change, transition, and some upheaval.  Don’t believe me?  Just ask Julius Caesar….”Beware the ides of March.”  And what about this “coming in like a lion and going out like a lamb” stuff?  And every Iowan seems to have a story about fighting the elements on the way to or from the high school state basketball tournaments in Des Moines.  Yes, March is a month full of surprises…some good and some not so good, but as Rotarians, we’ve learned to weather the storms, keep our chins up, and never listen to soothsayers wearing togas.
Speaking of change and transitions, I want to publicly bid Melissa Mundt a fond farewell.  In case you haven’t heard, Melissa will be leaving her post as Assistant City Manager of Ames to take on new responsibilities as Assistant County Administrator for the unified government of Kansas City, KS and Wyandotte County.  It’s always sad when we lose a member of our club, but this departure is especially difficult to swallow because Melissa was totally and completely involved in her community and in Rotary.  There was never anything half-hearted in Melissa’s approach to life.  Nope…her philosophy seemed to be full steam ahead…take no prisoners…let’s make it happen.  So, before she leaves town, make sure you take a moment to thank her for her many contributions to Rotary and to the City of Ames. 
March….at least March, 2015 will see our club’s first attempt at hosting a major fundraising event.  By now you know March 28 is the date set for Perfect Pairings Around the World…a wine-tasting fundraiser with proceeds going to Rotary’s effort to rid the world of polio (PolioPlus).  Now I know, wine might not be everyone’s “cup of tea.”  But c’mon folks, it’s for a great cause and besides, the planners of this event have tried very hard to make this a one-of-a-kind affair.  And I promise you this…you won’t leave the event disappointed.  And if you imbibe just a bit too much of the vino, you won’t be leaving at all.  One of the advantages of having a wine tasting event at a hotel!
Finally, to wrap up my rather meandering March message, a gentle reminder about how important it is to always be on the lookout for prospective members for our club.  We’ve added some great new members recently, and I’m confident we’ll continue to do so, but the search never ends.  And you know the kind of people we’re looking for, right?  We’re looking for those who inspire others through their acts of kindness, civic responsibility, and simple determination.  People who like to make a difference…a positive difference in their communities.  Do you know anyone like that?  I bet you do.  Why not bring them to one of our Monday meetings?  They’ll thank you for it.
Happy St. Patrick’s Day! 
Jeff Iles, President
Rotary Club of Ames
President's Column 2015-02-28 00:00:00Z 0

Pefect Pairing Around the World

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Perfect Pairings
Around the World 
March 28, 2015  |  6:30 p.m.  |  $75 per person
Gateway Hotel and Conference Center, Garden Room
2100 Green Hills Drive, Ames
Sponsored by the Rotary Club of Ames Foundation
($25 of ticket cost is tax deductible) 
Why should you support the Rotary Club of Ames effort to end polio worldwide? Consider these facts: 
This year marks 30 years since Rotary launched PolioPlus, its campaign to rid the world of polio. Rotary members worldwide are holding events to celebrate three decades of polio eradication progress. The "plus" in PolioPlus signaled the belief that polio eradication efforts would increase immunizations against five other diseases prevalent in children:  measles, tuberculosis, diphtheria, whooping cough, and tetanus.
Since 1985 Rotary and its partners, the World Health Organization, UNICEF, and the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, and more recently the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, have helped reduce the number of cases from 350,000 annually to fewer than 400 in 2014, and they remain committed until the disease is eradicated. 
Rotary has contributed more than $1.3 billion and countless volunteer hours to protect more than 2 billion children worldwide. In addition, Rotary's advocacy efforts have played a role in decisions by donor governments to contribute over $10 billion to the effort.
The success of this project set the stage for Rotary's top priority to rid the world of polio. Since Rotary introduced its PolioPlus campaign, the number of polio cases worldwide has dropped 99 percent, and the virus remains endemic in just three countries: Afghanistan, Nigeria, and Pakistan.
A $25 contribution, matched 2:1 by The Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation for a total of $75 will purchase:
  • 150 identification vests for health workers and volunteers, or 
  • 75 vaccine carriers, which allow the vaccine to be kept cool, or 
  • 600 purple finger markers to show which children have been immunized.
Please consider joining us for the Perfect Pairings event or making a contribution in support of this vital effort.

To Register and/or to make a Donation Online:
If you cannot attend the event and want to contribute, click the link above to make a gift electronically, or make a check payable to The Rotary Foundation and indicate "PolioPlus" in the memo line. Mail checks to:
Rotary Club of Ames Foundation
PO Box 327
Ames, IA  50010
Pefect Pairing Around the World 2015-02-16 00:00:00Z 0

President's Column

Let’s Resolve to Speak Clearly
Have you noticed how everyday speech and even carefully prepared formal presentations have become filled with useless and meaningless words?  You know the ones, spoken as “fillers”, “place-holders”, or used for the sole purpose of making the user sound more intelligent, wise, and worldly?  Just listen to any local nightly television newscast and you’ll be treated to a smorgasbord of trite and mind-numbing business jargon.  In fact, I dare you to count the number of times you hear my all-time least favorite phrase…“going forward.”  You’ll probably be surprised at how often those grossly overused words get attached to the beginnings and tail ends of sentences.
So, my New Year’s resolution for 2015 is to purge my vocabulary of these inane and mostly worthless words and phrases.  Care to join me?  If so, and to help you get started, I’ve listed my personal top 5 most offensive business jargon phrases.  Each entry is then used in a sentence to provide the necessary context.  I’ve even gone so far as to provide alternate language to help you break the habit.  And before you know it, you’ll be speaking with clarity and precision…”going forward!”  Did you catch that one?  Good, then let’s proceed.   
#1 – “With all due respect” – Uh-oh, look out for this one, because what follows usually isn’t nice or respectful at all. 
Used in a sentence – “With all due respect President Jeff, it’s been painful to watch you at the podium for the last six months.”
Alternate (more precise) language – “President Jeff, you stink as President!”
#2 – “Let’s Circle Back”
Used in a sentence – “Thanks for the landscape design estimate Jim (Mason).  Let’s circle back after I’ve had time to review the plan in greater detail.”
Alternate (more precise) language – “Hey Jim, I’ll get back to you after I win the lottery.”
#3 – “Open the Kimono”
Used in a sentence – “I should have asked the taxi driver to open the kimono before simply telling him to get me to the airport by his favorite route.”
Alternate (more precise) language – “What’s this gonna cost me Jack!”
#4 – “The Long Pole in the Tent”
Used in a sentence – “The Brag Bucket is a long-standing tradition with the Rotary Club of Ames but we don’t feature it as often as we should because Reno (Berg) has become the proverbial long pole in the tent.”
Alternate (more precise) language – “If Reno would quit gallivanting around the country, we would do the Brag Bucket more often.  You’re holding things up Reno!”
#5 – “Low-hanging Fruit”
Used in a sentence – So Tanya (Anderson), when you become President in July, you’re going to have quite the mess to clean up.  But it is what it is (bonus worthless phrase).  My advice would be to go after the low-hanging fruit first, but you won’t have time to boil the ocean (another bonus).
Alternate (more precise) language – “Job one…get Karin Sevde to like you!”
I trust these helpful suggestions will help you become a better communicator…because, at the end of the day it’s a no-brainer!
Happy New Year!
Jeff Iles, President
Rotary Club of Ames
President's Column 2014-12-30 00:00:00Z 0

President's Column

Why Do You Belong to Rotary?
When I was younger, I questioned everything.  Why do I have to cut my hair?  Why do I have to be home by midnight?  Why do I have to wear my seatbelt?  Why, why, why?  I’m quite certain Jack and Gwen (my saintly parents) thoroughly enjoyed my unbridled inquisitiveness.  But as I’ve grown older, wiser, and perhaps a bit complacent, I find myself asking fewer questions than before.  And folks, that’s not a good thing.  In fact, as Rotarians and leaders of our community, we are required to analyze, assess and question. 
So, if you agree with my thesis, that questioning is a good and healthy practice, then try this one on for size.  Why do you belong to Rotary…more specifically, the Rotary Club of Ames?
It’s a fair question don’t you think?  I mean, why belong to an organization, or anything for that matter, if you can’t come up with a good answer to this very basic question?  And let’s face it…Rotary asks a lot from its members…your time, commitment to projects, sometimes far afield from Ames, and then there’s the frequent requests for financial support for a seemingly endless array of worthy causes.  Why affiliate with such a demanding organization?
For me the answer is twofold. First, I like it when someone/something has high expectations of me.  In fact, I have no interest in organizations that seem content with receiving my monthly/annual dues and nothing more.  Just like you, I like to give back, get involved, and feel useful and productive. 
But the real draw for me….is you….the members of this club.  I’ve learned so much from each of you and have come to appreciate the myriad talents, skills, and personalities represented in the room each Monday.  Your creativity, generosity, and good humor inspire me.  I mean seriously, where else can you go to experience:
  • The Brag Bucket wielding Reno Berg and his uncanny ability to separate you from a “Jackson”….or in the case of Jim Mason, a “Washington.”
  • The musical contributions of Sarah Buck and Louie Banitt (with occasional assists from Charles Kniker and Deb Malsom) who always deliver that personal touch, and in turn make our visitors and guests feel welcome.
  • Hans and Franz (a.k.a. Norm Rudi and Ron Smith) and trainer John Shierholz.
  • The always effervescent Tanya Anderson…by the way Tanya, have I mentioned how much I’m looking forward to your presidency? 
  • New members and future community and club leaders like Kelsey Bolte-Carper and Erika Peterson.  Have you noticed how infrequently these women miss meetings?
  • The impeccably dressed John Russell.
  • My fashion consultant David Swanson…it’s a huge task but I think David is up to the challenge.
  • Bill Lagrange’s bow ties.
  • Mr. Operation Warm…Dean Phillips.
  • The increasingly humorous Joddey Hicks.  Just remember Joddey….less is more.
  • “Have Floss – Will Travel” – Dr. Amie.  I just know she’s judging my flossing habits.
  • Mayor Campbell….enough said.
  • Mr. Cyclone….Jeff Johnson.
Of course, each and every one of our members brings something unique to the Rotary table.  And our club is successful because of your individual and collective talents.  You make me proud to be a member of the Rotary Club of Ames.
But before you go, and since we’re on the subject of questions, I have just one more for you to ponder:
  • Are you ready for Brussel sprouts again?  As you know, they are very good for you.  And as your President, I can make that happen.
Happy Holidays!
Jeff Iles, President
Rotary Club of Ames
President's Column 2014-12-02 00:00:00Z 0

Trick or Treat for Polio

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On Friday night, Ames Elementary students help to put an end to polio by collecting donations while trick or treating.   Thank you to the students and to those that contributed!
Trick or Treat for Polio 2014-11-01 00:00:00Z 0

President's Column

Survey Results….Oh Boy!
Thanks to everyone who took time to respond to my little questionnaire.  Open-ended questions are sometimes difficult to answer, but thoughtful, written responses are so much more useful than trying to interpret the difference between an “8” and a “9” on a 1 – 10 scale.  All of the comments I received were excellent and therefore, I would like to devote this month’s column to a few of the more memorable entries.  And as promised, the identity of the author’s will be protected….unless they said something really nasty about me!
            Male – 10
            Female - 4
Have we ever impeached a President of the Rotary Club of Ames?     (Jim Mason)
I do enjoy the breakout (off-site) meetings we had last week and would like to see more of those if possible, maybe quarterly.
I have made up at many clubs and I think that our programs are as good or better.
Adding a specific networking component to the weekly meetings could attract new (younger) members to the club.  After the pledge and moment of silence, 30 to 45 seconds could be carved out for everyone to press palms with folks not currently at their table.
Rotary was designed for interpersonal relationships to flourish…we have become used to sitting in groups that don’t change much.  I think at least once a quarter there should be some random seating scheme.  Make it a fun scheme but get people to sit with someone new and different.
Does Iles own more than one suit?     (Reno Berg)
Nice balance on asking for money/donations…as long as the board knows that as individuals we shouldn’t be expected to support everything.
It’s important to engage new members early.  The new member projects may not get started until someone has been a member for several months.  Greeting at the door and working the registration table is a way to get to know people…great opportunities for new members.
I think donor fatigue is a big problem.  We have so many requests for money from so many sources; Rotary Foundation (polio), District Governor (coats), District programs (RYLA), and on and on.  I do not think our club has really had a thoughtful consideration of donations to various “causes”.
My experience is that active important service to the club will sustain membership.  Should we assign a mentor/neighborhood watch captain to members who are less engaged?  Find opportunities for them to get more involved?  Identify interests…make connections, etc.?
I like that we continue to try new social options outside the Monday noon timeframe.  It has taken awhile for people to accept that, and some never will, but I hope we keep trying.
And there were more…so many more excellent comments.  So thanks to those of you who responded….and to those who didn’t…it’s never too late to make your voice heard.  My door is always open, e-mail always functional, and cell phone at the ready.  Obviously, we can’t act on all suggestions, but I (we) certainly will take all of them seriously.  Small steps but always in a positive direction, eh?
Finally, in this month during which we set a thankful tone, let me say how thankful and grateful I am for your membership, involvement, and dedication to the Rotary Club of Ames.  Members of this club truly are an amazing amalgamation of caring, thoughtful, and hard-working people.  You make a positive and lasting difference in the lives of all citizens of the world. 
Happy Thanksgiving!
Jeff Iles, President
Rotary Club of Ames
President's Column 2014-10-31 00:00:00Z 0

End Polio Now

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         The Rotary Club of Ames has partnered with the Ames Public Elementary Schools to sponsor Trick or Treat to End Polio on October 31st from 5:30-7:30 pm.  Children will carry official white take-out style boxes with Rotary seals on them to request donations to The Rotary Foundation. 
Please greet the children warmly and thank them for helping to end polio.   Most of all, please place a donation in the box.
Thank you for your support!
End Polio Now 2014-10-20 00:00:00Z 0

October Programs

October 6th       Jessica Pearce and Austin Clay:  
                          ISU Dance Marathon
October 13th     Beate Schmittmann and Martino Harmon:  
                          Enhancing the ISU Student Experience
October 20th     Off-Site Fellowship Meetings
October 27th     Jathan Chicoine: ISU Veteran's Services
October Programs 2014-09-29 00:00:00Z 0

Rotary Global Grant Scholar Dylan Clark

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Dylan G. Clark,  District 6000 Rotary Global Grant Scholar.

Dylan G. Clark has been selected by Rotary International District 6000 for a Global Grant Scholarship.  Mr. Clark will be studying for his Master’s Degree in Geography at McGill University in Montreal, Canada in the host Rotary International District 7040.
Mr. Clark graduated from Iowa State University in 2014 with a double major in Global Resource Management and Environmental Studies.  He also received a paramedic specialist certification from the University of Iowa in Summer, 2014. 
Mr. Clark will be a part of the research group of Dr. James Ford, a notable academic in the field of climate change adaptation, with a focus on changes in the Arctic, Uganda and Peru.  Mr. Clark’s specific research interest will be the impact of global climate change on the food systems and health of the indigenous peoples in the remote Nunavut Territory of Northern Canada.  Mr. Ford’s lab is a project lead for a 5 year funded project by the International Development Research Center and the Inuit Traditional Knowledge for Adapting to the Health Effects of Climate Change.
As an undergraduate in the Global Resource Management program at Iowa State University, Mr. Clark had done sustained on-site research in rural Tanzania and also in Uganda.  His plans after receiving his Master’s degree are to work in the area of public health in developing countries gaining field experience before he pursues a Ph. D. program in Geography.
Mr. Clark is a graduate of Ames High School in Ames, Iowa, but currently lists his residence as Grand Junction, Colorado.  
Rotary Global Grant Scholar Dylan Clark 2014-09-01 00:00:00Z 0

President's Column

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“Operation Warm” Revisited
            After a recent Rotary Club of Ames weekly meeting during which I announced/encouraged our club’s involvement in Operation Warm – a project to provide winter coats for children in need, it dawned on me that I hadn’t done a very good job of making the case for our participation.  What is Operation Warm anyway?  Would this organization make good and appropriate use of our donations?  Did they have a history of success?  And if put to the test, could Operation Warm pass the Four-Way Test?
            As it turns out, Operation Warm originally began as a community service project of the Longwood Rotary Club (Kennett Square, PA).  As the story goes, it was a cold November day when Rotarian Dick Sanford noticed a family from Central America who recently had come north to work the fields and farms of Chester County (near Philadelphia).  With no winter clothing for Mom or the children, they stood shivering in the bitter wind.  Dick noticed their desperate situation, took them to a local merchant, and bought them winter necessities.  But Dick didn’t stop there.  Upon further investigation he found additional pockets of poverty in this otherwise well-to-do enclave.  It was then and there that he established Operation Warm with the simple goal of providing a new (emphasis on “new”) winter coat for any kid that needed one.  Today, over 160 Rotary Clubs in more than 50 Districts partner with Operation Warm to conduct service projects that provide new winter coats to children in their communities.
            Rotarians like Dick Sanford make me very proud to belong to Rotary International.  “Service above self” and the Four-Way Test are more than words on a banner for Dick.  And I think we should follow his great example.  After all, $16.50 is all we’re asking for.  Surely that memorable theatrical performance from Dean Phillips is worth at least that much!
Jeff Iles, President
Rotary Club of Ames
President's Column Jeff Iles 2014-07-31 00:00:00Z 0

President's Column

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Remember the first time your parents entrusted you with the keys to the family car?  As you sprinted out the door, admonitions such as these probably followed you down the driveway…  “Be safe!  Be home by 11:00 p.m.!  And no girls/boys in the car!”  Well, Dan Divine has just handed me the keys to our Rotary Club of Ames and my job for the next twelve months is simple: Don’t wreck the car.    This seems like a simple task, but as I’ve come to learn the job of president is no cruise on Easy Street.  In fact, as I reflect back on recent club presidents there is one common theme…hard work and dedication to the Rotary mission, both at home and around the globe.  So, right from the get-go I want you to know that I’ll do my best to live up to those lofty standards set by the likes of Divine, Goodhue, Walter, Howell, and the 91 other past presidents who’ve served our club with distinction since 1921.  I can’t promise there won’t be a few scratches in the paint, dents in the doors, or a broken headlight or two at year’s end, but Tanya Anderson can make those repairs before she gets behind the wheel next July.
Intentionally or not, every Rotary Club president puts his/her own unique twist on managing club affairs.  This doesn’t mean changing things just for the sake of change, but as you probably know by now, I think having a little fun at Rotary is a good thing.  This doesn’t mean engaging in silliness or unnecessary frivolity, or disengaging from our important local and international projects.  No, we will be as active as ever on those fronts!  But having appropriate and good-natured fun along the way can enhance the Rotary experience for new and not-so-new members alike.  Bottom line, I will do all I can to make our weekly gathering a “can’t miss” experience.  I hope you put our noon meeting on your calendar and that it becomes a ritual…just like visits to the gym, that Saturday night bath, or relaxing on the deck with a glass of Iowa wine at day’s end.  That’s right Dan, Iowa wine!      
Above all, I’d like you to remember that this is your club.  As President, I’m honored to serve and represent you.  But I’m not clairvoyant.   Therefore, if you have a suggestion, a great idea or even a criticism about the way things are going, please don’t hesitate to pass those comments along to me or to another member of your leadership team.  “Service Above Self” is more than just a motto, and for the next twelve months I’m here to serve.
Happy Independence Day!
Jeff Iles
President's Column 2014-06-26 00:00:00Z 0

President's Column

As the Rotary year draws to a close, it brings an opportunity to look back at club accomplishments and to thank those that have made this a very successful year for our club.  This success can be attributed to one thing:  all of our members.  So first, a sincere thank you to all for rising to the occasion through volunteering time, talents or treasure and being a member of The Rotary Club of Ames.  Without our members we would not have been able to get the volunteers, do the local and international projects, raise funds to support service projects and programs, and ultimately, to be the best service club within Ames.
When the Rotary year started, my primary goal was for The Rotary Club of Ames to be the premier service club within Ames and within Rotary District 6000.  While measuring this goal against other service clubs is difficult at best, I can say that we definitely rose to the top.  Our club has given back to this community over $21,000 in local grants from our major grant of $7,500 to The Story County Primary Health Clinic to many smaller grants ranging from a few hundred dollars to a few thousand.  Additionally, we have many members that have donated their time and money directly to organizations as a result of being a Rotarian.  The Youth and Shelter Services annual holiday gift and food basket drive is one of the major recipients of Rotarians individual efforts.  Thank you to Ron Smith and John Shierholz for spearheading this yearly drive.  But also, thank you to all our members that have given to local organizations individually.
While money is important, so is hands-on volunteering.  Two of our big events were the Iowa Games and Special Olympics.  Additionally members have volunteered for Raising Readers, Youth and Shelter Services, Heartland Senior Services and many other Ames organizations.  Thank you to Roger Maharry, Marge Oldehoeft, Randi Peters, Jean Kresse and many others for getting volunteers for these events and others.
Three new member groups completed local projects that have had a direct impact on the quality of life for our community:  Youth and Shelter Services 7-12 house, Good Neighbor Emergency Assistance, and Raising Readers.  All three of these projects have been funded with club money, and more importantly time and talents of club members doing work directly for these organizations.  Thank you to all the new members who participated in these groups and special thanks to both Don Borcherding and Jim Mason for their mentorship.
A second goal that I had set out to accomplish is securing Rotary district grants for local projects.  Due to the grant application process within Rotary, this year we did not receive a district grant; however, we did change the process which will allow us to compete for district grants and bring Rotary money back to our community in the coming year.
On the district level, our success was rewarded with the club achieving the Presidential Citation with Distinction, one of only a few clubs within the district to do so.  To receive this award, our club had to rise to the top in regards to membership, local projects, international projects, and fellowship opportunities to highlight some of the main areas.  We met and exceeded each of these goals.  Our club has also been a leader within district and nationally due to our World Service Committee and their efforts working with clubs from five different districts around the world.  Gerald Klonglan, Dave Fox, Steve Jones, Donna Newbrough, Randi Peters, Glen Rippke, Mary Wells and Mark Westgate all deserve recognition for their efforts on this committee.
Fellowship opportunities bring up my final goal to discuss: which was to increase fellowship opportunities within the club.  Frank Feilmeyer again did a great job organizing the offsite fellowship opportunities allowing club member the opportunity to highlight their businesses.  Linda Glantz Ward brought to the clubs attention fellowship opportunities within Rotary International.   This led to the formation of the Cyclone chapter of the Rotary Wine Appreciation Fellowship, which includes Rotarians from five central Iowa clubs.
Special thanks to our board of directors in guidance and approving our projects.  Special recognition to Lisa Eslinger and Scott Blum whose terms as board of directors expire.  Their service to the club has been greatly appreciated by myself and past presidents as well. 
Committee heads and all committee members of the music committee, local projects committee, new membership and new membership orientation committee, have done exceptional work this year which has contributed to our success. 
Both Tanya Anderson and Jeff Iles are deserving of recognition for their efforts:  Tanya on leading the membership drive and Jeff for lining up another year of excellent programs for the club.
Last, but no way least important, has been the efforts of our “Chief Operations Officer”, or more officially, our Executive Secretary.  Karin Sevde has worked tirelessly to ensure each meeting is set up and runs smooth, newsletters are published on time, bills paid and countless other jobs that entail making this Club work.  Her efforts are greatly appreciated not only by myself, but by all of our club members.
I have enjoyed this year as President, but it couldn’t have been done without everyone’s help.  I thank all of you for the opportunity to have served as President.
Dan Divine
President's Column 2014-05-30 00:00:00Z 0

2014 Presidential Citation with Distinction Award

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The Rotary Club of Ames is proud to have received this year's Presidential Citation Award with Distinction during the Rotary 6000 District Conference.   
The 2013-14 Presidential Citation recognizes Rotary clubs for an array of achievements that promote our membership growth, enhance humanitarian service through our Foundation, and strengthen our network through the family of Rotary.
By qualifying for the Presidential Citation, clubs contribute to Rotary’s strategic goals and multiply the impact of their good work through the collective focus of more than  34,000 Rotary clubs worldwide.
Receiving the award from District Governor Jacque Andrew is Club President Dan Divine. 
Congratulations to all of our members!

2014 Presidential Citation with Distinction Award 2014-05-03 00:00:00Z 0

Congratulations Doris Goering

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The Rotary Club of Ames wishes to congratulate Doris Goering, wife of member Don Goering, for receiving a very special award for her service alongside Don throughout his Rotary tenure of membership, club president and District Governor.
Though not a Rotarian herself, Doris has exemplified the values Rotary and most of all Service Above Self.
Congratulations Doris!

Congratulations Doris Goering 2014-05-03 00:00:00Z 0

President's Column

The month of May brings to our club many things dealing directly with Rotary and its mission. 
First, the District 6000 Conference starts today, May 1st and runs through May 3rd at the Gateway Hotel and Conference Center.     Members are highly encouraged to attend one of the district dinners, luncheons and presentations, especially the Thursday evening reception for Anne Matthews.   Ms. Matthews is the first female Rotary International Vice President and the highest ranking female member within Rotary.  While there is no cost to attend the evening reception, donations to Polio Plus are encouraged.
Our meeting on May 19th is twofold:  First, we wish to honor those who have served our country and given their lives while in service as our Memorial Day tribute, and second to update the club on international and local projects. 
As you may know, Memorial Day traces its roots back to the Civil War, and is a time for honoring Veterans who have given their life in service to our country.  However, over the last few years, specifically since September 11, 2001, Memorial Day has taken on additional significance.   Firemen, police officers, and most recently teachers, have lost their lives while responding to those who would do harm to others and our country. 
For our Memorial Day celebration I have invited representatives from the Ames Police and Fire Departments, the Ames School System and from the American Legion to thank those living and honor those who have given their all in service to our country.    We ask our club members who have served to be in attendance this day as well so that your service and sacrifice can be honored.
There will also be updates on projects our club is currently involved with.   The World Service Committee’s global grant application has been submitted to Rotary International for the appropriate authorizations and approval.   This grant is the first of several phases for providing clean and dependable water to villages in the Same District of Tanzania. 
While our World Service Committee often is in the forefront of our grant efforts, we must not forget that we have two local projects that received club grants and that new member committees are involved with.  We will hear updates from both of these committees: one working with Good Neighbor Emergency Assistance and the other with the Raising Readers project at The Ames Community Preschool Center.
I look forward to everyone joining us for a busy and informative month.
President's Column 2014-05-01 00:00:00Z 0

President's Column

Over the years, The Rotary Club of Ames has been a strong supporter of international projects from Xicotepec, Mexico to Same District, Tanzania.   These projects have all involved hard work by individuals, along with club money being matched with funds from both District 6000 and The Rotary Foundation.   The various projects have built health centers, a milk processing plant, and provided materials for primary schools in an area that didn’t have any schools prior, as well as building water storage and distribution systems in the Same, Tanzania area.         
We are continuing that strong history with a new Water and Sanitation project for the Kigogo Village, Same District, Tanzania.  Members of the Club’s World Service Committee have been working with clubs and districts across the nation, District 6000, Rotary International, as well as local businesses and corporations to assist our partner the Same Rotary Club in Tanzania in building a sustainable water and sanitation system.  World Service Committee members include Glen Ripke, Randy Peters, Donna Newbrough, Mark Westgate, Ted Okiishi, Steve Jones, Dave Fox, Mary Wells, Gerald Klonglan, Liz Beck, and Melisa Mundt.   Hopefully, I didn’t leave anyone off.    Thanks also goes to Harold Jenson of the Morning Club, Dick Ross of South Pasadena club and Justin Rewerts in Nevada.
While our international success should be noted, I must also point out local projects that have involved matching grants: specifically for the Sudanese refugee project.  Donna Newbrough was instrumental in securing District 6000 grants in 2007 and 2009.  Not only was Donna able to secure club money that was matched with a district grant, she was also able to secure additionally funding from Iowa State University.  Donna truly exemplifies our Rotary motto of “Service Above Self.”
In December, the project will be submitted to District and Rotary International for matching funds.   We need to secure our financial pledges for a total of $100,000.00 before December 15th.
Unlike past years, our club now has the ability to accept individual donations that would be tax deductible.  Dave Fox recently sent out a pledge form which you have received via email.   For those that wish to help individually, donations would be made to The Rotary Club of Ames Foundation.  Any amount you can contribute would be greatly appreciated.
For those club members that put a higher priority on local projects, Jim Lohr has just volunteered to work on our local major grant in order that we can submit for District 6000 funds for a local project.  More information on this will be presented in mid to late October. 
In the spirit of Rotary, I thank all those who have given their time, energy and resources toward our club’s projects, both local and abroad.
President's Column Daniel P. Divine 2013-09-30 00:00:00Z 0

President's Column

Posted by Daniel P. Divine on Jul 30, 2013
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The Rotary year is off and running, or for some, off and biking as members from our club participated in RAGBRAI.  Additionally, members of our club engaged Rotary and fellow Rotarians through the Iowa Games, ribbon cutting ceremonies, or the new member committee project.  I would like to thank all the Rotarians who participated in the ribbon cutting ceremonies for United Way and Friendship Ark, those that volunteered at Iowa Games and the new member committee on finishing their project for Youth and Shelter Services. 
There are many ways to engage Rotary, not only financially or through volunteering, but also through fellowship.  Our club promotes fellowship through our Monday meetings, monthly socials and our semiannual small group fellowship meetings hosted by Rotarians.  However, fellowship can be more than just club activities.  It is as simple as meeting fellow Rotarians at other events.  And yes, sometimes while dressed in spandex, but we won’t delve too deep there for Jami Larson’s and many others wellbeing. 
For those that rode RAGBRAI, along with meeting club members from Ames, you also had the opportunity to attend make up meetings at Rotary sponsored events.  Granted it mainly consisted of buying lunch at a Rotary stand and saying hi to fellow Rotarians, but the opportunity to meet fellow Rotarians from around Iowa and from around the US was there. On a personal level, I would like to thank fellow Rotarians from the clubs of West Des Moines, Oskaloosa, Knoxville, and Fairfield whose members allowed my family to either camp in their yard or offered rooms in their homes. Their fellowship was greatly appreciated after a long day of riding.
As we move into August and rest of the year, our club is looking for volunteers that can offer their services to two of our committees.  Carole Custer is looking for 2-3 members that can assist her in publicizing our club, our activities and members and/or work on our website or our Facebook page.  She can be contacted at 294-3134 during work hours.  Steve Jones is also looking for 2-3 members to assist on the efforts with regards to The Rotary Foundation.  He can be reached at 450-0311.
Again, thank you to all for engaging Rotary and fellow Rotarians. 
President's Column Daniel P. Divine 2013-07-31 00:00:00Z 0

New Board of Directors

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Joining the Board of Directors this year is Amber Corrieri, Michelle Hendricks and Austin Woodin.  
New Board of Directors Karin Sevde 2013-06-28 00:00:00Z 0

Rupert Kenyon

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Rupert Kenyon was awarded a Paul Harris Fellow for his 22 years of serving as Club secretary/treasurer.
Rupert Kenyon Karin Sevde 2013-06-28 00:00:00Z 0

Thank you, Sarah Buck!

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It is with sincere appreciation and gratitude that we say "Thank You"! to Sarah Buck.  Sarah has served as the Club's treasurer for the past seven years.   Though stepping down as treasurer, Sarah will remain active in the club through the World Service Committee and other Club opportunities.   We wish Sarah all the best!
Thank you, Sarah Buck! Karin Sevde 2013-06-28 00:00:00Z 0

New Officers

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There are a few changes to note in the Club's officers.    Karin Sevde will assume the title of executive secretary.   She will handle the secretary's duties, as well as the treasurer's duties.    Dean Phillips will hold the title of treasurer and assist with the monthly, quarterly, and annual reports, as well as serving as back-up during the meetings.
New Officers Karin Sevde 2013-06-25 00:00:00Z 0

Thank you for your service!

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We wish to thank Amie Rockow-Nelson and Ron Smith for their service on the Board of Directors.   Their guidelance will be missed!
Thank you for your service! Karin Sevde 2013-06-25 00:00:00Z 0

Tanzania Water Projects Update

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Gerald Klonglan and Dave Fox recently visited the Rotary Club of Iowa Falls to provide details of the the Rotary Club of Ames' Water and Sanitation efforts in Same and Mwanga, Tanzania.   
Under the new Future Vision program of Rotary International, all global projects are to be high-impact,long-term and sustainable, and must fall under one of six areas of focus: Water and Sanitation, Maternal and Child Health, Basic Education and Literacy,Peace and Conflict Prevention/Resolution, Disease Prevention and Treatment, and Economic and Community Development. 
In the photo is Gerald Klonglan, Chair of the Rotary Club of Ames' World Service and Global Grants Committee, who is working to build partnerships for  two large-scale, sustainable water projects in Same and Mwanga, Tanzania.
George Dougan, a well driller for Iowa Falls who has played a key role in evaluating wells for the Rotary Foundation Water and Sanitation Needs Assessment Team in Tanzania.  
Dave Fox, President of the newly formed Rotary Club of Ames Foundation and a key player in the Water and Sanitation Rotarian Action Group (WASRAG). Dave is working with the Rotary Foundation in testing and Project Enhancement Process in nine pilot Rotary Districts around the world.  A key goal of the process is to prepare larger, more sustainable global grants partnering multiple clubs and districts.
Brent Bonner is a member of the Rotary Club of Iowa Falls and is an Assistant District Governor of Rotary District 5970.  
Tanzania Water Projects Update Karin Sevde 2013-05-31 00:00:00Z 0

Gerald Klonglan Received Award

Posted by Karin Sevde on Apr 14, 2013
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Gerald Klonglan received the Rotary Foundation's District Service Award for outstanding service in promoting the Rotary Foundation and its goal of world understanding and peace.  

Bill Koellner, Rotary District 6000 Foundation chair, stated during the presentation:

"Gerald Klonglan has been on the Rotary Club of Ames International Service Committee since 2007.  Gerald has a passion for international grants and making a difference in the world.  He has also been a member of the Matching Grants committee since 2010.  Gerald has been working on the Tanzania projects for several years and has made several trips to Tanzania to work with local people to change lives.  He began his work in Tanzania in 2003.  Gerald is a Paul Harris Fellow and has helped the Rotary Club of Ames reach a level of $120 to $130 per member annual contribution to the Rotary Foundation."

Congratulations, Gerald!

Gerald Klonglan Received Award Karin Sevde 2013-04-15 00:00:00Z 0

World Service Committee

Posted by Karin Sevde

Rotary Club of Ames invites your Club to be a partner in a Water and Sanitation Global Grant in Tanzania.


In the spirit of the new Future Vision initiative of Rotary International the Rotary Club of Ames invites your Rotary Club to be an active partner in the planning and implementation of a new Global Grant focusing on Water and Sanitation in Tanzania. The spirit of Future Vision includes partnering clubs, initiating larger grants (goal $200,000), having greater impact, having measureable outcomes and being sustainable over time. The vision also includes the creation of Vocational Training Teams (VTT) and integrating student scholars with the global grant. The Tanzania Rotary Clubs of Same and Moshi-Mwanga in new Rotary District 9211 are eager to work with Rotary Clubs of District 6000. The time frame is to build partnerships and develop specific grant proposals with the TZ Rotary Clubs between now and March 31, so everything will be in place for project implementation July 1. 2013.


Please read the attached brochure for more information about Future Vision and the Rotary Club of Ames Invitation for your Club to be a partner in this exciting initiative. Members of the Rotary Club of Ames Global Grants Committee are prepared to visit your Club to discuss various opportunities for your club and club members to become involved with the many aspects of the project. If interested please contact Gerald Klonglan, Chair, Rotary Club of Ames World Service and Global Grants committee  or call 515-232-9973. 


What is unique about Tanzania? In 2010 Rotary International selected 100 Rotary Districts world wide to test Future Vision ideas. District 9200 of which Tanzania is a part was selected. On July 1 2012 Rotary International selected 10 pilot districts to initiate a one year Project Enhancement Process (PEP) in the Water and Sanitation area of focus to develop large scale global grants. District 9200 including Tanzania was again selected. Dave Fox, Rotary Club of Ames, has been a member of the Water and Sanitation Rotary Action Group that developed the Project Enhancement Process (PEP). Dave brings his knowledge and network to aid us in the development of our Global Grant.



Gerald Klonglan

World Service Committee Karin Sevde 0