Rotary Global Grant Scholar Dylan Clark
Dylan G. Clark, District 6000 Rotary Global Grant Scholar.
Dylan G. Clark has been selected by Rotary International District 6000 for a Global Grant Scholarship. Mr. Clark will be studying for his Master’s Degree in Geography at McGill University in Montreal, Canada in the host Rotary International District 7040.
Mr. Clark graduated from Iowa State University in 2014 with a double major in Global Resource Management and Environmental Studies. He also received a paramedic specialist certification from the University of Iowa in Summer, 2014.
Mr. Clark will be a part of the research group of Dr. James Ford, a notable academic in the field of climate change adaptation, with a focus on changes in the Arctic, Uganda and Peru. Mr. Clark’s specific research interest will be the impact of global climate change on the food systems and health of the indigenous peoples in the remote Nunavut Territory of Northern Canada. Mr. Ford’s lab is a project lead for a 5 year funded project by the International Development Research Center and the Inuit Traditional Knowledge for Adapting to the Health Effects of Climate Change.
As an undergraduate in the Global Resource Management program at Iowa State University, Mr. Clark had done sustained on-site research in rural Tanzania and also in Uganda. His plans after receiving his Master’s degree are to work in the area of public health in developing countries gaining field experience before he pursues a Ph. D. program in Geography.
Mr. Clark is a graduate of Ames High School in Ames, Iowa, but currently lists his residence as Grand Junction, Colorado.