District Governor Dennis Drager challenged all clubs to donate clothing and other items to reduce the amount headed to the landfills. He also asked that Rotarians engage in a project to assist those who are facing homelessness.
In response to his requests, Overflow Thrift Store created a system where Rotaians could donate clothing and other textiles, the pounds would be recorded and 5 cents per pound up to $500 woud be donated to The Bridge Home.
This past monday, Overflow Thrift Store reported 1,500 pounds of clothing and textiles had been donated by Rotarians in this effort. A $500 contribution was made to the The Bridge Home by Overflow Thrift Store. The Rotary Club of Ames matched this donation with $500 for a total of $1,000 to The Bridge Home to support homeless people in our community.
Thank you all for your contributions.