President's Column
The month of May brings to our club many things dealing directly with Rotary and its mission.
First, the District 6000 Conference starts today, May 1st and runs through May 3rd at the Gateway Hotel and Conference Center. Members are highly encouraged to attend one of the district dinners, luncheons and presentations, especially the Thursday evening reception for Anne Matthews. Ms. Matthews is the first female Rotary International Vice President and the highest ranking female member within Rotary. While there is no cost to attend the evening reception, donations to Polio Plus are encouraged.
Our meeting on May 19th is twofold: First, we wish to honor those who have served our country and given their lives while in service as our Memorial Day tribute, and second to update the club on international and local projects.
As you may know, Memorial Day traces its roots back to the Civil War, and is a time for honoring Veterans who have given their life in service to our country. However, over the last few years, specifically since September 11, 2001, Memorial Day has taken on additional significance. Firemen, police officers, and most recently teachers, have lost their lives while responding to those who would do harm to others and our country.
For our Memorial Day celebration I have invited representatives from the Ames Police and Fire Departments, the Ames School System and from the American Legion to thank those living and honor those who have given their all in service to our country. We ask our club members who have served to be in attendance this day as well so that your service and sacrifice can be honored.
There will also be updates on projects our club is currently involved with. The World Service Committee’s global grant application has been submitted to Rotary International for the appropriate authorizations and approval. This grant is the first of several phases for providing clean and dependable water to villages in the Same District of Tanzania.
While our World Service Committee often is in the forefront of our grant efforts, we must not forget that we have two local projects that received club grants and that new member committees are involved with. We will hear updates from both of these committees: one working with Good Neighbor Emergency Assistance and the other with the Raising Readers project at The Ames Community Preschool Center.
I look forward to everyone joining us for a busy and informative month.