Hello Rotarians,
I’m writing this newsletter to you at 5:34pm, and it is DARK outside. As we all
know, Daylight saving ended on November 3 rd . The earlier darkness in the evening
(afternoon almost!) tends to make me excited to cozy up in my home more during
weeknights. But wouldn’t you know, my kids activities continue on past November 3 rd !
The part that does excite me though, is it signifies to many that the holidays are near.
Maybe a time to slowdown, be present, and enjoy family. Before we know it, it will be
Thanksgiving! This year is flying by!
Late September and October brought so many wonderful Rotary days. To refresh
your memory, we were lucky enough to host the chartering ceremony for our own ISU
Rotaract Club at CY Stephens. The stage we all know and love in Ames was the perfect
place to be – blending ISU and community was just the ticket! Kudos to Kent and
Tammy Koolbeck for coming up with that location idea! We had an incredible showing of
Rotarians (District Governors, various District Club Presidents, Rotarians from clubs all
over Iowa). You would have been blown away by the new ISU Rotaract members – so
many smart, capable, inspiring college students who are taking this on to truly better the
world. I ended my speech that night, and I’ll say it again here, that if those students are
a sampling of our future we are in very good hands. We will be inviting the new Rotaract
members to upcoming Monday meetings, and I hope you will open a seat at your lunch
table to get to know one, or all, of them. You will be as impressed as I am.
As usual, we’ve had incredible programs. Please watch the recordings if you
haven’t made it to a meeting or been able to tune into online programs. We were
fortunate to have District Governor Dave Cook on September 30 th . He gave an
incredible presentation and encouraged us to focus on increasing membership. Our
current members are the heartbeat of this club, and we should share it with more
people. Please call up a friend you haven’t seen in awhile and invite them to share in
the magic of Rotary.
We have much to look forward to in the next few weeks. Thank you for being
here and reach out to me if you have any feedback for me.
See you soon,
Katy McMahon
Club President 2024 - 2025